Hello world! I want you to meet someone very special ~ Mitsuko! Mitsuko is one of Kitty's little puffs who has come to live with me! She is a rainbow puff made by the amazing Kitty Pinkstars! You can find them sweetly placed in her lovely little Etsy Shop
Anyway, This is the story of Mitsuko meeting me and my other furry (and one not so furry) friends! You can imagine the excitement of getting home from work on Tuesday Morning and finding my adorable little packet! I quickly rushed and opened it and There she was in all her brightness ~ Mitsuko! Straight away she met all my lovely friends!
Mitsuko Meets Cyril, but Cyril seems rather sleepy... awww >_< Cyril is in his favourite spot (someone elses seat) but he seems quite happy to share with the furry friend! After a quick sniff, he snuggles back down and leaves Mitsuko to meet the rest of the bunch.....
Then Mitsuko meets Martha.. I think They're getting on quite well. Martha gives her a good sniff too and a couple of licks....
Even Goosey is happy to meet her! Mitsuko's going to have lots of friends. Goosey is quite sweet, she chatted with Mitsuko for quite a while and explained about all the mischeif that Cyril and Martha get up to.....
And obviously I had to meet her, she is sat in the palm of my rainbow hand.....
So there you have it! Mitsuko has entered my rainbow little world! There's another Picture, but I can't upload it, but will hopefully show you soon! I'm sure she will be joining me on my rainbow adventures of beading and being rather creative...... ♥