Well anyway. I'm getting quite excited about Pentecost. I sorted my outfit out weeks ago as well as my hair do! Yes thats right, I have a special outfit and Pentecost hair. It's my thing to do every year. This years colour scheme is bright orange and blue. My inspiration came from a dress I bought from monsoon earlier this year. It's white, orange and blue. And it was in the sale, for a fiver! I almost wet myself. So obviously I had to buy it. Because the weather has not been the best yet, I haven't had a chance to wear it as it is quite summery. So i decided to save it for Pentecost and match my hair and jewellery with it.
I do my hair as a witnessing tool. People tend to ask me questions why I've done my hair etc and I tell them its for Pentecost etc. and you get my drift! My hair will be plaited all over and wrapped in blue and orange wool! it looks quite funky and makes quite an impact.
My bedroom is currently in very girly pink, purple and silver, but thats getting a bit wearing now. And my bed is in a cupboard sort of thing which I have to climb on to. It's partly the reason I stay up late. I just cant be bothered to climb into bed. It's too much effort. Anyhoo, I will sort have a normal wooden frame bed and have pastel pink and aqua walls with red gloss work, should look lovely.
I've had to book a week off work to try and get it done, but there is so much stuff in the room, it will probably take a few weeks longer! :0
Got to go sort some beads and stuff out, could really do with making a few more bits and bobs!
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Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the MP3 e MP4, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://mp3-mp4-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
Your new bedroom sounds fab Claudia, but we need pics!!
love, raspberry xx
I had to do it Claudia, you've been tagged... read over at RG for details!
much love, rasp xx
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