… Mighty Oak Trees Grow!
Great things can come from small beginnings, it just needs nurture, discipline and a lot of
This is something I have really come to learn over the last few years. We started organising small local craft fairs almost 3 years ago and we had one of them yesterday. It’s amazing looking back at when we first started really and how it’s grown and developed over the past 3 years.
When we started, there were no other regular and local craft fairs. They were expensive to have a stall, they were expensive to get in to. We knew that something needed to be done to change this, but we really weren’t sure how it would all pan out. We just had a lot of
FAITH that it would work out.
Our very first craft fair went. We didn’t have that many stalls, struggling to fill them and not a huge amount of people through the doors. But, as a first attempt and remembering that this was something new to the area, it was a very positive response.
Over the years we’ve gone from struggling to fill the stalls to being over run with requests turning a lot of people down and with a lot more people through the doors
We’ve had a lot of rethinking to do the over all organisation of the craft fairs. But it’s only growing stronger. This weekend we were over whelmed with support from local people and compliments at how
LOVELY it is to come along.
BUT organising even a small craft fair comes with a lot of hard work.. We take posters and leaflets to the shops and businesses of 3 towns (Which uses around 2-3 reams of paper). Send out leaflets and info packs to stall holders and Churches in the local area. This is just a few of the jobs that are involved with organising a craft fair. Love the work, be patient and tenacious and it will be successful, it may take a while.
After spending the last couple of months evaluating the
GROWTH of the craft fairs, it spurred me on to evaluate how I could put this sort of ‘
growing‘ action in to my own life, not realising I had already started. I’m not going to go into too much detail though, I’ve save that for another time
I thought I’d take 5 minutes to make a couple of lists. I grabbed this off a friends page, and it’s a really good way to think about how you want to grow.
Make a list of 5 things you want to be known as/for; & a list of 5 things you want to achieve.
I want to be known for:
1. Keeping the FAITH and always being hopeful despite things looking bleak.
2. My wardrobe never being tied down to one style (I wear what I like).
3. Being a little bit wacky.
4. Always willing to be there and be the hug and ear that helps people along that extra little bit.
5. Creativity.
Things I want to achieve:
1. To grow in FAITH and encourage others to do the same
2. Being Much More organised.. (it’s getting there)
3. To become an accomplished ‘sewer’ making clothes on a more regular basis
4. To learn how to cope better in stressful situations and still putting the effort in 100%
5. Have my own fully fledged business making jewellery.
I’ve been inspired to put the same amount of effort and faith into the things I want to achieve as I do with organising the craft fairs. It Works! I also Made a little treasury
‘From Tiny Acorns…‘
Matthew 17:20. “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Great things can come from small beginnings, it just needs nurture, discipline and a lot of