Saturday, 15 October 2011

Lets Go Nutty!!

I got pretty excited this week when I found out that it’s Squirrel Awareness Month! I’ve always been a fan of nature and stuff.. and woodland animals rank pretty high in that. I remember as a child, going with my Mum, Nan and Aunty to visit my Grandad’s grave. Walking through the cemetery we would collect acorns and pine cones and lookout for squirrels and hares.. For this reason alone they have held a very special place in my heart.
Let’s face it.. Squirrels are mega cute. Their tiny little paws and bushy tails and cheeky nature are completely fascinating. What I love most is the way they gather their food and run off with it and hide, like you’re going to try to steal it.
I thought I’d put together a little treasury about it all. These great little creatures deserve it. You can find it HERE. It took me a while to put it together and I could have made loads of treasuries, so be sure to look for squirrel stuff on there :)
I also have this beauty on my website
Possibly maybe necklace
Possibly Maybe Necklace
The picture isn’t great quality I’m afraid, but it’s a very pretty necklace you can buy it HERE
Happy Squirrel Awareness Month ♥♥

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